My name is spelled as h-a-r- s-h.
In my language, it means happiness. :D
It's nice to meet you!
(Harsh, pronounced as /hursh/ = हर्ष = happiness, joy, delight)
Or scroll down. I know that is what you were going to do! :P
Hi again! I am an interaction designer, with a background in Architecture. Currently, I am pursuing Master of Design from IIT Institute of Design at Chicago.
I have a passion to delight users with amazing experiences, big or small. I also have a knack for making bad jokes, that can actually make you laugh :D
A great design is one which is used & I believe that it can only be achieved by keeping in the center,
the human*. <3
* I know you are thinking "shouldn't it be User instead of Human?" I absolutely agree, but here, human sounded more human :)
I love photography and use it as a medium to understand people and places. When I am not working or exploring new destinations, I am spending time with my family.
Secondary research
Primary user research
User interviews
Experience prototyping
I try to understand the problem and build context about the topic at hand. This helps me to develop a well-founded user empathy. <3
I begin with secondary research to gain a good understanding of the problem and then move towards primary research with help of low fidelity experience prototypes.
Mind mapping
Task analysis
Concept development
Low-fidelity prototyping
Participatory design
Brainstorming and use of different frameworks allow me to analyze the problem from the point of view of different stakeholders.
The next step is thinking about new ideas and ways to solve the problem, coming up with low fidelity prototypes and concepts. Engaging users with prototypes to get feedback is an important aspect of this step.
Information Architecture
High fidelity prototyping