Welcome to The Bean Memorial
4 Cultural Preservationists | 8 Artifacts | 1 Experience
Chicago 2070 - A speculative future project
Introduction: Over the last few decades, severe wildfires on the west coast and flooding on the east coast pushed migrants in search of urban comforts to Chicago’s third coast. Data and technology-rich corporations began to embed themselves in the city looking for the talent and started to gain power over city institutions. In this context, we welcome you to the opening of The Bean Memorial in 2070, Chicago’s premiere landmark experience accessed through your Amazon Prime™ membership.
Visitors from 2018 time traveled to the year 2070
to get the experience.
They were divided into three groups, based on their "Amazon Membership Level"
"Story of
the Bean"
-A timeline
Exhibit 2:
The Interviews
Exhibit 3: Omphalos -Under the Bean Experience 360 Video
Exhibit 4: Touch the cloud gate! 360 Video+Convex Mirrored Surface
Exhibit 5,6,7,8: Artifacts made out of the leftovers of the real Cloud Gate from the 2020s
Stickers for the visitors, who support technology and who don't.
Read the story:
The Conversation:
The team!
The teacher!